The Price mentioned in the site will be applicable for 3 Days from the date of booking.
Booked Color and model if not available and needed to order from manufacturer, the price will be applicable while dispatch from the manufacturer.
If any changes from Govt Tax session the same will paid extra from customer
If booked model and color not supplied from the manufacturer 100% amount will refunded as per refund clause.
If Purchase decision made cancelled by customer due to his will Rs.1000 will be deducted from the deposit amount and balance will be paid as per refund clause.
If Finance proposal reject by finance provider, 100% amount will be refunded as per refund clause.
For home delivery sale the product should be inspected completely and thoroughly, If any damage or short to be signed by Parvati Personnel (driver) the same will be Replaced or Issue within 3 days from the delivery.
If Registration rejected by the RTO, customer need to cooperate to provide additional documents or change the owners for the registration. We will not responsible such rejection from RTO or Govt authority.
We will not be responsible and abide to the change in Name for product sale and its future legality and its obligations.
All legal matters will be lodged in Yavatmal district court only.
Refund Clause Policy
The refund amount will be paid only by check or bank transfer in customer bank account only, as per terms and condition mentioned above.